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FTC Team Tip! - Revive Field Tiles

Submitted by FTC Team 20293, Laser Bots- they have a high-quality, step-by-step guide for you to re-energize your field tiles!

Did PowerPlay get your field tiles compressed and down in the dumps? We have a solution for you! Fix compressed floor tiles, don’t replace them!
Hi Teams,
We were successful in fixing the compressed corners on our field tiles and wanted to share the solution for you.
We tried putting the tiles in the sun, putting them in a sink with hot (boiling) water, but what finally did it was putting them in a hot crockpot. This took some time, but we were able to revive all the corners on our tiles.
We hope this helps you save some money either this year or next year.
Good luck during the upcoming Centerstage season!
Laser Bots - FTC 20293


Seven Steps to Fantastic Field Tiles:

  1. Use an oval crockpot.

  2. Place as many corners in the crockpot as will fit.

  3. Fill with water.

  4. The water will likely need to get very hot for it to work.

  5. Keep checking the condition and rotate the corners until they are all done.

  6. Expect this to take 4-5 hours of rotation.

  7. Washing the floor tiles outside with Dawn is also good to remove debris and oils from the previous season.

Photos of the process included, with before and after photos!


Special thanks to Laser Bots for this tip!


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