Hello FRC Teams,
Barry Black, our volunteer FRC Program Delivery Partner who supports the Wisconsin FRC Regional Planning Committees, handles regional event coordination with FIRST, and manages our FRC Wisconsin event registrations and waitlists, has a request for teams participating in the second round of Event Preferencing.
Hello teams!!!
Hope everyone’s fall is going well as we eagerly await the game reveal in January!!
HELP REQUESTED: We are approaching the end of Round Two for Event Preferencing, and we need your help and consideration to ensure all WI teams get an opportunity to play in FIRST WI FRC events this season. We are currently seeing a high interest in the Wisconsin regional as the number one preference for many of our Wisconsin teams. This is very exciting to see, but unfortunately, with this volume, we would exceed our available size capacity in the venue.
We would like to ask that those teams who are able and willing to participate in Week Five, please consider putting the Phantom Lakes Regional as your top choice. We know that some teams cannot due to spring breaks or other conflicts, but if you have flexibility, we would greatly appreciate it! We are very excited about the new format and would really like to collect feedback on it from as many teams as possible for FIRST Wisconsin and FIRST HQ.
The second round of event preferencing ends Thursday, October 24th, so please discuss amongst your team members and see if Week Five at the Phantom Lakes Regional is an option.
Thank you,

This is part of our new, “On Track with Barry Black: Navigating the Reefscape Season” series. It's intended to provide our teams with the latest Wisconsin FRC event updates as you navigate the FY25 FRC season.
Thank you, Barry!
Renee Becker-Blau